Things to Consider When Building a Texas Hold Em Poker Table Top

Before building anything, a good amount of brainstorming, research and planning has to happen before construction can begin. Researching different options, gathering materials and looking up manufacturers are some of the steps you can take when thinking about building your own Texas Hold Em poker table top. Whether it is for recreational or tournament play, gathering materials and staying organized is the first step to building your own Texas Hold 'Em poker table.
Organization and design is the first step to building your Texas Hold Em Poker table top. The size and shape is crucial for both your project and gaming. Gather a list of all the materials you need and be sure to figure out the size that you want to build your table top. If you're building your poker table top, it's important to keep professional standards in mind while going for personal customization. When it comes to size, ideally your table top should measure about 96" X 40 and fit about 8-10 people. After deciding what quality of wood is right for you, contact wood suppliers and hardware stores in your area and pay a visit. After loading up your supplies, the next step in building your own Texas Hold 'Em poker table top, is finding the proper material.
Billiard felt or 100% wool is acceptable to play on and can be found at a few different stores. It is the cheapest, but is often times sold in limited dimensions. The best choice after that, is to use a faux-suede or faux-velvet like fabric. If a fabric store does not have the material you need, or in the price range that you need it in, try visiting an upholstery store. Upholstery stores don't only sell leather, velvet, canvass and more, but they also usually sell foam and fabric as well. Visit your local upholstery store to find out if they can help you find durable foam and high quality fabric.
When getting ready to build your own Texas Hold Em poker table top, be sure to gather all the information and resources you need. Don't forget to consider all factors such as portability, price, and quality when starting your project. Obtaining and then applying the knowledge, can help you build your own custom Texas Hold Em poker table top and save hundreds of dollars and lots of stress. Visit your local merchants that sell these materials and get started on your project today.

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